Gord's Comic/Graphic Novel Blog

Reviews of graphic novels and comics

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Comic Day: 7/21/10

After an amazing New Comic Book Day last week , it was back to a subdued routine week. Only 3 titles today: Black Widow #4 , Zatanna #3 , Neonomicon #1 .. and more significant drops from my pull.

1. Black Widow #4 (Marvel) by Marjorie Lui , ary by Dan Acuna

Sensational issue to the current story arc "The Rose". Fantastic cliffhanger ending to keep you drooling for #5 , I dont know if this is a 5 issue arc or 6.. I sure do hope its 6. Suffice to say if you've come this far into the series , might as well finish it.

2. Zatanna #3 (DC) by Paul Dini , art Stephane roux
I was a little disappointed that the arc is already over. I was hoping for at least a 4 part arc. It was a good nonetheless , a solid finale to the story. Again , they could've drawn this out a little longer. I hope they focus on Zatanna's co workers and friends more than her Justice Leaguer friends. Zatanna is an underrated character, not just because of her sex appeal but overall.. her goofy yet sexy magicians outfit under minds her comic books , once you indulge yourself , there's no looking back.

Will I continue to buy Zatanna? yes. Her sales have apparently picked up lately. 

3. Neonomicon #1/4 (Avatar Press) by Alan Moore , art by Jacen Burrows

The debut issue of Neonomicon and sequel to Alan Moore's Courtyard graphic novel. FBI agents Gordon Lamper , and Merril Brears pursue a copycat serial killer who's on the loose. They go "Silence of the Lambs" and seek help from the original killer whom was a former FBI agent Mr. Aldo Sax in lock up. They then go to  proceed on a  wild goose chase that leads them to the home of the suspect only to be confronted by some mind blowing shit at the end that will blow your shitty mind.. shit to leave you hanging for #2.

Ill repeat myself , debut issues are always tough caz you have to lay the groundwork for characters and plot. Therefore the end result is usually a slower paced issue than you want which is what we have here... slow but informative and in depth. Its building for a climatic conclusion.. too bad its only a 4 part series , the plot alone has potential for a 5-6 part series.

This is rumoured to be Alan Moore's last graphic novel/comic so this is a must have regardless for Alan Moore fans.

Will I get #2? of couse.

If I had $10 does this make the pull? Yes. Though its a weak week.

Noob Friendly? yes , I havent read the Courtyard and I didnt feel lost at all. That said I plan on reading the Courtyard soon.

price/value: 3.99 .. solid debut issue.. I didnt feel  ripped off or short changed.. decent value here.

Other news with my comics:
I dropped Avengers off my pull list. I have now dropped Avengers , New Avengers , Avengers Academy , Young Allies , X-Men , ...UPDATE: I just learned Atlas is being put down like a limp horse by Jeff Parker himself after #5. I was going to drop it anyways so he's made this decision easier.

I also found a place online to buy comics HeavyInk , it works out to be cheaper ordering online than me buying from my local comic book stores. The only con is they dont bag and board their shipments so Im nervous and how they will arrive but Ill get into a full review of HeavyInk when my shipment comes in next week:

my order:
Hack Slash My First Maniac #2
I Zombie #2
Secret Six #19
Mindfield #1
Zombies vs Cheerleaders #1
total cost: $15.65 shipping included. $3 bucks a comic... thats cheap. 

NEXT WEEK'S PULL: Wonder Woman #601 , Artifact #1/13(Image) , Secret Avengers #3 , Mindfield #2(Aspen) , Fear Agent28 #1 (Dark Horse)

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My name is Gord and I blog comic and graphic novel reviews for Horror Happy Hour. Im just a passionate fanboy since the glorious 80s. Im not a writer as you can tell with my butchering of the engrish language just love geeking it up with comics. Horror Happy Hour is a devoted group of horror enthusiasts started on Facebook , website to come.. and I do the comics commentary. Woot woot