Gord's Comic/Graphic Novel Blog

Reviews of graphic novels and comics

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Comic Book Day : 9/22/10

First off my Hack Slash is STILL MIA!!! grrrrrrrr

My pull : Black Widow #6 , Mindfield #3 , Red one shots ( 4 issues)

News: Wildstorm is being shutdown , by coinkydink my first purchase from Wildstorm Publishing is also my last lol (Red prequel series). Ill review Red after I see the movie caz thats when Ill read the prequels or at least read the main title.

1. Black Widow #6(marvel) by Duane Swierczynsky , art: Manuel Garcia

   A new arc and a new era as Liu and Acuna both move on from Black Widow. We now get the writing and pencil stylings of  Swierczynsky and Garcia.
 Garcia's penciling isnt too shabby. A good face smashing should be a pre-resequite for all comic artists.

The Plot: A deceased vice president candidate's son is obsessed in finding his farther's killers , and Black Widow is being framed for the murder along with the mysterious deaths of other prominant politicians. Enemy agent Fatale intercepts the son to possibly assassinate him for info he may pertain to all of this , Black Widow must protect the man whom wants her dead ...  the arc begins...

Me: The story is decent enough , I felt the pacing was good , you start off right into the mix and things pick up furthermore. It was a little silly at times with Black Widow on the hood on the car  , I wont spoil it but lets just say I thought somebody was dropping a coiler on the hood of a moving car. The issue ends with what normally would be a crazy cliffhanger BUT SPOILER COMMENT: I just highly doubt they will kill off the title character 6 issues into her new series... OR WILL THEY?! SPOILER OVER.

Verdict: Its not perfect , its not Black Widows greatest start to a story but its still worth the ticket and its still worth sticking with. This new team of Swierczynsky and Garcia might be onto something here.   A perfect jumping on point for noobs.

Recommend: Yes. Black Widow is a great series so far and looks like it will continue to be. 

2. Mindfield #3(aspen) by JT Krul , art: A.Konat , J. Bolerjack                                                                 

 Mindfield is one of the better comics on the shelves nobody is reading. Its a required taste but its not extreme as a Garth Ennis book , its just the genre: crime , esponiage , terrorist , Telekenesis , FBI ,..etc
 This is the opening page to #3 , its intense and graphic from the get go...

     This is definitely not a jumping on point , you must start from the beginning or else you will be lost. There's a lot going on now , the story is going full bore at this point.

    Im rather loving this comic right now , I love the story and its slowly getting better as we slowly indulge ourselves into each character and the plot. JT Krul is masterfully pulling you in , yet keeping the bait at arms length throughout , you just keep chasing that carrot with mouth watering.We have the main character questioning himself , his new team learning to work together and a new terrorist threat using the same telepathetic powers that is suppose to give them the advantage.

     I really like the mini profile at the end of each issue of the main players , you just feel like youre getting better bang for the buck caz I dont think they include it for the total page count.. or do they?

Verdict: This is a fantastic comic , the arc isnt done yet and I dont know if this is a 4 or 5 issue arc , Im not even sure if this will conclude but it should be on your Trade radar if you're already reading the comics. Im sure this is a on going series , Aspen could have something special on their hands here if this title continues to grow and grow

 Homo Homini Lupus

Men are not gentle creatures who want
to be loved , and who at the most can 
defend themselves if they are attacked
They are the contrary creatures among
whose instinctual endowments is to
be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness
to humiliate him , to cause him pain , to 
torture and kill him.
As a result , their neighbour is for them
not only a potential helper or sexual object,
but also someone who tempts them to satisfy 
their aggressiveness on him.
to exploit his capacity for work without
compensation to use him sexually without his
consent to seize his possessions
homo homini lupus: Man is wolf to man

- Sigmund Freud

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About Me

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My name is Gord and I blog comic and graphic novel reviews for Horror Happy Hour. Im just a passionate fanboy since the glorious 80s. Im not a writer as you can tell with my butchering of the engrish language just love geeking it up with comics. Horror Happy Hour is a devoted group of horror enthusiasts started on Facebook , website to come.. and I do the comics commentary. Woot woot