Wicked pull today:
Birds of Prey #5 , Zatanna #5 , Mystery Society #3 , Hack Slash #4 , Morning Glories #2 , Whispers in the Walls #2 , Time Bomb #2 , Muppets: Sherlock Holmes #1
new additions: The Muppets: Sherlock Holmes
1. Birds of Prey #5(dc) by Gail Simone , art: Alvin Lee , Adriana Melo
Currently one of my few superhero pulls that consistantly delivers in balls to the wall action and edge of your seat story lines.This is easily the best cover art of this volume so far , Huntress looks faptastic! Lady Blackhawk looks wickedly sluttyrefic! In all seriousness You can really tell Gail Simone holds this franchise close to her heart.
Just beautiful inking here , Huntress looks amazing. courtesy Jack Purcell and JP Mayer
A unofficial continuation of the last arc , a two part mini arc begins. White Canary takes Black Canary to Bangkok for some mysterious reasons and the BoP follow her. There's obviously other stuff going on like the completion of Oracles confrontation with Creotes and Savant , Huntress and the Penguin(see above photo) , Lady Hawk and Hawk's health after getting shot by Penguin. It all leads to the cliffhanger ending that will leave you like " whatchya talkin bout , Willis!!??! ". Despite this still being part of a pro longed arc its not a bad jumping on point.
verdict: One of the best $3 super hero comics out there. Its what comics books were meant to be.I highly recommend Birds of Prey.
2. Zatanna #5(dc) by Paul Dini , art: Chad Hardin , cover: Wayne Faucher
Zatanna needed to bounce back this issue , the last issue was the weakest bar none in this volume and also the start of a new arc. Faucher's cover art is solid , Z looks harsh gropeable. Im not feeling Hardin's art , look at the front page...
she looks chinese!! Hardin just isnt meant to pencil Z.
Zatanna faces the three fire demons whom are sent to "test" Z by a mysterious being. This is actually a good story arc , her relationship with her cousin is a nice aspect to keep her book level and down to earth. Zatanna's "new guy" is clearly a cliched douche bag in co-hoots with this evil dude that the audience can sniff out a mile away but things move along , we see whom is behind all of this and whats' at stake. Yes there are zombies in this comic book so thats not false advertisement. Its a classic cliffhanger , you know "how is our hero going to get out of this?" one kind of jobbers.
seriously she looks CHINESE!
Z#4 was a little bleh , Z#5 bounced back big time for her though again Paul Dini's writing was never the problem in the previous issue. Hardin's art imo is a hinderance to this title , Z looks nothing like her covers , again she looks CHINESE!!! which is funny caz usually comic artist have troubles drawing ethnic characters , but he managed to convert a simple white girl into an asian! Dini's stories are compelling and well thought out and staying true to Zatanna , my beef is with Hardin and his inability to draw a caucasion girl with big knockers.
verdict: Another solid $3 comic from DC , Marvel has a lot to learn from DC's $3 pricing. Im still in.
3. Mystery Society #3/5(idw) by Steve Niles , art: Fiona Staples
One of the best surprises I came across this summer was Mystery Society which I picked up on almost by fluke.I was a little concerned it may have been cancelled caz #3 was delayed 3 weeks ( at the back they preview a comic that came out last month lol) but it finally arrived! when I saw MS this week I almost let out a Richard Simmons "YAY".
I absolutely love the concept.
Nick and Anastasia Mystery , yes their sir name is Mystery so you can sense right off the bat this is a little campy. This couple are out to crack down on all the conspiracy theories , myths and mysteries which included rescuing twin tween girls with special powers being kept in cryogenics at a secret government facility for over 50 years. Their rag tag team also includes a goth vigilante chick named
Secret Skull along with a robot with a brain of a prominant doctor named
Verne. Anyways in this issue Nick is framed for murder during his rescue of the twins and is now a wanted criminal , so Nick and Anastasia go attempt to clear his name. On the other hand Secret Skull and Verne took on their first "job" or mission for the Mystery Society , to solve the mystery of Edgar Allen Poe's missing skull..
This comic is just brilliant fun. I am hoping and wishing this becomes an on going series , I would love to see them crack down on all the great mysteries of the world. Amazing. The writing is witty and intelligent , Fiona Staple's pencil work is sharp , crisps and really compliments the book , I dont know if she's an apprentice of Ashley Wood but she's working that pencil like one bad mother fucker.
Verdict: Its a decent $4 value but because its an indy title I feel even more comfortable handing over my 4 bucks to them. This is IDW's best kept secret and one of the best comics on the shelves that nobody knows about. Im scared MS will get buried and forgotten , this needs to be a on going series please , IDW.
4. Hack Slash #4/4(image) by Tim Seeley , art: Daniel Leister
My order didnt come in this week.Apparently there was a notable mishap in shipment from Hack Slash so I wasnt the only one whom didnt get a copy or the correct copy.
5. Morning Glories #2(image) by Nick Spencer , art: Joe Eisma
#2s are usually down issues , they have to set the tone to a long on going series. You can see they're taking things step by step in revealing the plot and characters , the whole school is still a mystery , they're really baiting the reader with that. Still have much to learn from all the characters , there's many so this could take a few arcs to really get in depth here *fingers crossed* , its moving along slowly but we're getting there.
The headmaster woman is really becoming a major BEEOTCH , there's some legit potential here for a new super hated antagonist. She's got the Lillith Krane from Cheers look going on and she's just goddamn bitchy.
We need to see more from the main players , there's still many questions and things up in the air but its still way too early for me to judge this comic series and arc , this deserves the full 4-5 issue trial. The ending is a good one , a holy shit cliffhanger that was on par with MG #1 , Im curious to see how the fuck they explain this shit!
Big thumbs up for Breakfast Club reference and Star Wars reference!
verdict: Its a $3.50 comic but it holds its value , there's no ads , you get a full 32 page count which is rare. They still have me hooked and sinkered. Im still in for the ride.
6. Whispers In the Walls #2(humanoids) by David Munoz ,art: Tirso
This was my sleeper smash pick a month ago , it carries over again , back to back
PICK OF THE WEEK for this comic. I am in love with the art in this comic book , an indy title in the
horror/mystery genre. Tirso whom has that brazilian soccer player thing going with one word name , is a goddamn savant with the pencil. Tirso alone is worth the price of admission.
So this story takes place in Chekoslovakia during WWII? and our lead protagonist Sarah , the little orphan girl on the cover is left at this mysterious facility that seemingly treats people for this puzzling plague. Most of the patients are adults , she is told she's the only child. Eventually the walls begin to talk or ... whisper to her , giving her guidance and she begins to unravel the mysteries of this place. There's creepy shit going on , she befriends some other kids , adventurous moments ,... Fuck , Im butchering this fucking story , pick up #1 and #2.
I love this comic. The imagery that Tirso creates is haunting and just eye poopingly awesome. The scary guy that appeared in #1 in Sarah's flashback scene to reveal how she became an orphan is genuinely one of the creepiest dudes. I can think of a million other ways you can waste $3.50 on... Worst case scenario you wasted 3.50 .
Verdict: My sleeper pick of the year for mini series. I love this comic.
7. The Muppets: Sherlock Holmes #1(boom) by Patrick Storck , art: Amy Mebberson
c'mon , its fricken Gonzo as Sherlock Holmes and Fozzy Bear as Watson! this has comedy gem written all over it!!!
Plot: The daughter of Rizzo the rat whom plays a sock mogul , Julia , the heiress to this sock and stockings empire falls ill. Her sister Helen played by Jan the hippie hires Sherlock and Watson with the aide or Kermit. This is filled with page to page puns , be warned you will get drowned out with non stop cornball puns that can irritate some. So this is definitely not for everyone , and definitely not as strong a comic as the regular Muppet Show run. This appears to be a collection of one shot cases for this 4 issue mini.
me: I have a huge soft spot for my childhood favourites like Scooby-Doo and Muppets , I adore this shit like a monkey adores his own feces.
Verdict: I dont know if I can recommend this to the general public. If you dont like puns , do not get this , you will want to eat needles covered in thorns. If you're a muppet fan , check'er out , you can do worse with your $3 but if you are a Muppet fan , The Muppet Show comic is a solid series.
8. Time Bomb #2/3(radical) By Jim Palmiotti
So here we are with book two in this 3 part series. These are 56 page double sized issues so its longer than it appears. We pick up were we left off , in modern times a hidden nazi city with a out of date doomsday device is accidentally set off while examining it , the world is doomed. the only way to null this action is go back in time and destroy the doomsday device.. they recruite a special ops team and send them back in time. You are definitely left with a much more gripping cliffhanger in #2.
I personally am not a fan of time travel and Im still not. I feel this story would've worked MUCH better if it was just a time piece back in WWII . I love the idea of a hidden Nazi city built for fallout of their doomsday device , the story really picks up when you see the Nazi's and this city. I actually found the americans somewhat ... not boring but not interesting ( I still dont remember their names!!) lol Seeing the bad guy nazi in charge (fictional character) whom's name I dont remember is a fucken nazi cock sucker.. well done , Palmiotti , well done. It took a while but the pace really picks up during #2 and the story really starts to move in this issue. Again I look at it and think did we really need a time machine story for this? Coming from a sci fi guy too , I just find time travel under minds a good sci fi story like a hidden Nazi city.
Verdict: If time travel and nazis tickle your fancy then this is for you. Its a $5 comic , based on my general value guide of a buck per 10 pages , then this fullfilled its bargain with 56 pages which is way better than $4 comics that offer 25-32 pages ..looking at you Marvel. So , very good value , and its good ol jolly time. Its 2/3 over so you can wait for the trade which will probably be a couple bucks cheaper.
week summary: Loved this week , many strong titles and I didnt even get to read Hack Slash.
If I had to put in order this week for my favourites:
1.Whispers in the Walls #2
2.Mystery Society #3
3.Birds of Prey #5
4.Morning Glories #2
5.Zatanna #5
6.Time Bomb #2
7.Muppets Sherlock Holmes #1