Gord's Comic/Graphic Novel Blog

Reviews of graphic novels and comics

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rant: Why Jeffrey Ou should not feel guilty

I dont really follow America Got Talent nor do i care about these two people but there is a bigger issue at hand. Jeffrey Ou , an asian-american pianist upset Bri whateverhernameis , a teenage female white pop singer/performer in fan voting. They both got talent , Bri was probably better , Jeffrey beat her out probably caz he dominated the asian vote and there is an uproar among the tards.

Now , Jeffrey , do not feel ashamed or guilty that you beat a white girl because of the popular vote amongst asian-americans. Its no different than white america watching a show caz some pretty white people are on. They dont know shit about talent , why do you think Shitney Spears , or Asthon Kutcher are so popular? you think Asshat Kucher is a great actor??? fuck that shit.. he gets the popular vote caz he's a pretty white boy. Take that hypocrite stick and shove it back up your asses , white america.

Back to Jeffrey Ou.. if he wins this caz "Asian Americans" are uniting to do what white americans have been doing for centuries.. and thats promoting some jackass based on the colour of their skin.. dont feel guilty Jeffrey Ou. There are millions and millions of asian american boys who feel shitty about themselves caz they aint a pretty white boy and you are giving them hope that pretty white people do not set the standard at anything. Notch one up for the bad guys , eh white america. KISS MY FLAT NOSED , BROWN EYED , BLACK HAIR , ASIAN ASS , FUCKTARDS.

BTW Jeffrey Ou had a techinical difficulty that messed up his performance , all he got was a "good luck kid even though its our fault". On 'Britians Got Talent' , some little white girl screwed up , started to cry and they let her redo her act later in the night... wow. Imagine if Jeffrey Ou was a pretty white boy.. do you think he would get a redo?

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My name is Gord and I blog comic and graphic novel reviews for Horror Happy Hour. Im just a passionate fanboy since the glorious 80s. Im not a writer as you can tell with my butchering of the engrish language just love geeking it up with comics. Horror Happy Hour is a devoted group of horror enthusiasts started on Facebook , website to come.. and I do the comics commentary. Woot woot