Gord's Comic/Graphic Novel Blog

Reviews of graphic novels and comics

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend Trade: The Walking Dead vol.1 "Days Gone By"

    I decided Im going to re-read the Walking Dead as I watch the new AMC series. Episode 1 was basically 2/5th of volume 1 and episode 2 was essentially the next 1/5th of volume.1 , they're really milking this out which is a good thing caz I want to the show to catch up too quick.

    I ended up just reading through Volume 1 entirely . It still a fantastic read and sets up one of the best comic series going.

    There's a few things I completely forgot about , I forgot about the scene where Glenn keeps puking from rubbing a dead hand all over himself. I also forgot about a couple characters , one is Donna , Allen's wife , I knew she was there but I forgot what her character looked like , what she was like overall. The second is Jim , I completely forgot about Jim the mechanic , the guy whom escaped Atlanta at the expense of his entire family being consumed. Yet I remembered his farewell quite vividly once I saw him.

   The other thing is looking back and seeing everybody's first appearance , and how they were back then.. Rick Grimes of course but Glenn and Andrea in particular. Look at Andrea and then fast forward to Volume 13 ... its mind blowing. 

    The volume jumps right into the appocalypse and the action , with his journey into Atlanta , escape from Atlanta with the help of a new friends Glenn , and then finding his wife and son at the camp. There were plenty of ups and downs , and Robert Kirkman sets the tone of the entire series in this first volume. He has a way of settling down the book into a relaxed mindset then BAM! just when the camp looked like it was settling in and thngs were going to get safe... and boring .. ZOMBIE ATTACK. The first victim was quite surprising and tragic , this is was the first FUCK NOOOOO scene caz somebody had to finish the job on the first victim or they'll turn. It was only a couple panels but you felt the impact linger right til the end of the volume with some amazing panel work on the grieving by Tony Moore.

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My name is Gord and I blog comic and graphic novel reviews for Horror Happy Hour. Im just a passionate fanboy since the glorious 80s. Im not a writer as you can tell with my butchering of the engrish language just love geeking it up with comics. Horror Happy Hour is a devoted group of horror enthusiasts started on Facebook , website to come.. and I do the comics commentary. Woot woot