Gord's Comic/Graphic Novel Blog

Reviews of graphic novels and comics

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hollywood Rant/Rave: Is it that bad?

I've been ranting for years of the white man dominance in mainstream hollywood. Its ok for whiteboy to date asian girl but god forbid a asian man date a non asian woman in hollywood. Well.. Im not the only one who's felt this way , its not just me.. its blatnat obviouus to anybody with any kind of brain matter


A oriental man and black woman..well , I dont kow if they date but at least the leading roles arent two whities. is the sky falling? Jeezuz fucking christ. ALbeit in a sterotypical martial arts film , still would like to see a non ethnic themed movie with just a plain normal asian dude and non asian woman , that has nothing to do with martial arts , nor ethnicity , just two people in a bunk gay fuckin lame regular romance show. Is it that hard for white people to follow a movie that doesnt have a white man in it?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Game Review: Dragon Age Origins (PC)

Dust off your inner dungeons and dragons geek child you have buried in you caz its time to get nerdy again! D&D style!

I love this game. Its fun , addicting , and bottom line entertaining.

Single Player Game , classic party build RPG ... find characters , build them up and fight , fight , fight with a lot of cheezy acting in between. Some of the story lines get intense and you choose your path on how you want ot be.. bad ass or goodie goodie , and your party members help determine this too. There's darker , aggresive characters to find and there's Jedi like characters to find , you can obviously figure which way you have to go.

It takes like 3-4 hours before the story and game play really picks up the pace , then its on going addictive dungeoning and dragoning. I can smell my nerd sweat and rattling of the di!

No spoilers here but there's some decent replay value , not only do you choose your path but there's 6 different story lines to start from. They all merge into the same linear plot afterwards but regardless , you'll wanna try each one ...right?

Im playing on the PC , it requires a standard modern gaming PC to really enjoy the beauty of it. You can play with lower models but it will look like a last gen console game , highly recomend investing into upgrading video cards to a 8800 series if you havent already.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Social Ranting: Im sick of White propoganda

Check out this Indian Ad for skin whitener caz if you aint white.. it aint right. Fuck you , Adolf.

Here's a funny ad , it may seem innocent enough. The two chinese guys are actually "american-asians" named Howard Bach and Bob Malaythong , US national team members also real athletes.. so why "chink" it up with Ling and Ying or whatever chinamen names they gave them. Is it so hard to believe that asians are humans too , you fucking ignorant redneck inbred ass fuckers.

The classic Jerry Lewis inspired "chink" impression. Yes this is what we all sound like , its impossible for a chinamen to speak fluent english in this world we all sound like fucktards. Of course we all have the Jerr Leis buck teeth , massively squinted eyes , bowl cut and butchered engrish.. FUCK YOU YOU WHITE HORDE OF SHIT.

About Me

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My name is Gord and I blog comic and graphic novel reviews for Horror Happy Hour. Im just a passionate fanboy since the glorious 80s. Im not a writer as you can tell with my butchering of the engrish language just love geeking it up with comics. Horror Happy Hour is a devoted group of horror enthusiasts started on Facebook , website to come.. and I do the comics commentary. Woot woot