Kingdom of the Crystal Skull *Non Spoiler* review - by Gordy Locke
Score: 8.5/10
Indiana Jones is still Indiana Jones. Dont expect anything more or less from the 4th edition to the series. Lots of fast paced action , adventure and pure entertainment for the Indy fans.
They didnt fill the movie completely with reference jokes to the triology but there's enough to please the diehards and enough new material to declare itself a stand alone edition and addition to the series.
It will not disappoint new fans nor old though old fans may be more chatty and critical of plot/storylines.
Kate Blanchett : 9/10... I would say she's probably the best female co-lead since her co star Karen Allen. She was a decent villianess , good on screen presence and very appealing.
Shia Labeouf: 7.5/10 ... I was very nervous about this role and casting. Speilberg played it by the book , worked him in slowly and built up some likeable empathy for him. By the end , Indy represented the fans , when he accepted Labeouf the series accepted him. Still a little nerouv that he can actually carry this series.
Karen Allen : 7/10... the return of INdy's true love. She was comical and still fit the character. She was really a older version of her old self.
Ray Whinstone : 6.5/10 He played Indy's new partner in crime... a little cliched and predictable but thats what the series is. Its really for young audiences so you want campy cliched characters. With that being said , I fault him points for playing it safe...nothing special or rememberable about Mac.
John Hurt: 8/10 ... he's a hall of fame actor but the character could've been played by anyone. I would've liked to seen John Hurt play Mac and bring him to life.
Harrison Ford: 10/10... its Indiana Friggen Jones. Nuff said.
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